An Essential Winter Checklist All Property Managers Need To Follow

The winter chill has finally arrived, warning property managers to winterize their buildings before the frozen storms hit. 

Heavy snow and freezing temperatures can lead to expensive damage without sufficient prevention in place. Follow this comprehensive checklist to prepare and care for your property before the peak of the cold season.

  1. Remove window air conditioning units, make sure the HVAC system is fully functional, and replace the filters.
  2. Examine the lighting and breakers to guarantee hallways and common areas are well lit for guest safety
  3. Check vacant units for any necessary cleaning, window sealing, and repairs that are better caught early on
  4. Investigate the integrity of the foundation, cover the vents, and inspect the insulation (read Core Tips For Crucial Roof Winterizationin the basement and attic
  5. Rake leaves and remove debris from gutters as often as needed to prevent clogged drainage and water damage
  6. Ensure sufficient roof (read Avoiding The Three Most Common Contributors of Winter Roof Damage) maintenance by taking care of excess moisture, and schedule regular inspections to handle repairs immediately
  7. Turn off external plumbing valves, drain excess water from faucets, insulate the pipes, and properly winterize outdoor pools
  8. De-ice driveways, walkways, and parking lots, and look over the landscaping for potential aesthetic improvements
  9. Inspect the property for potential hazards, especially after a storm, and trim trees and branches to ensure safety
  10. Procure snow removal equipment, or schedule professional maintenance, and keep tenants informed of severe weather and ice warnings

Maintain the safety and integrity of your property by keeping up with these fundamental repairs and prevention techniques.

Contact Southwest Companies for professional advice and additional winter care for your building.